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List groups

Basic Examples The most basic list group is simply an unordered list with list items, and the proper classes.

  • Cras justo odio
  • Dapibus ac facilisis in
  • Morbi leo risus
  • Porta ac consectetur ac
  • Vestibulum at eros

Button Items List group items may be buttons instead of list items (that also means a parent <div> instead of an <ul>). No need for individual parents around each element. Don't use the standard .btn classes here.

Badges Add the badges component to any list group item and it will automatically be positioned on the right.

  • Cras justo odio 14 new
  • Dapibus ac facilisis in 99 read
  • Morbi leo risus 99+
  • Porta ac consectetur ac 21
  • Vestibulum at eros 18

Linked Items Linkify list group items by using anchor tags instead of list items (that also means a parent <div> instead of an <ul>). No need for individual parents around each element.

Disabled Items Add .disabled to a .list-group-item to gray it out to appear disabled.

Contextal Classes Use contextual classes to style list items, default or linked. Also includes .active state.

  • Dapibus ac facilisis in
  • Cras sit amet nibh libero
  • Porta ac consectetur ac
  • Vestibulum at eros

Contextual Classes With Linked Items Use contextual classes to style list items, default or linked. Also includes .active state.

Colorful Items With Material Design Colors You can use material design colors which examples are .list-group-bg-pink, .list-group-bg-cyan class

  • Dapibus ac facilisis in
  • Cras sit amet nibh libero
  • Porta ac consectetur ac
  • Vestibulum at eros

Custom Content Add nearly any HTML within, even for linked list groups like the one below.